Advocacy is our newest program area. We are making a difference through our leadership in several programs areas including efforts to increase homeownership rates in African-American communities and improve health outcomes. GMUL continues our successful Get Out The Vote effort, which reached thousands of Milwaukee area residents and provided important information on voter rights and voting access in 2020.
From improving overall health to important information about protection from COVID-19, Greater Milwaukee Urban League health advocacy efforts bring attention to and share information about critical health concerns.
Working with other partners, GMUL is creating opportunities for more individuals to own homes and take the important first step in creating intergenerational wealth.
The right to vote was a hard-won civil rights battle. Insuring Milwaukeeans have access to information on how to vote and where to vote is important to make sure every citizen has access to the ballot box. That’s the focus of GMUL’s nonpartisan Get Out The Vote project.